Biggles Wiki

The Wanderer was the name of an amphibian aircraft which Biggles, Algy and Ginger used in Biggles - Charter Pilot and Biggles in the Jungle. It is not clear if Wanderer is a nickname or if Johns was referring to an aircraft type.

In the Vandersteen comic Biggles in Tibet, Biggles also uses an aircraft named the Wanderer but this is a Grumman HU-16 Albatross.

Wanderer in Charter Pilot[]

Wanderer in Jungle[]

  • Had turnbuckles and flying wires (chapter 4), hence a biplane.
  • It's a biplane with two engines, therefore in conflict with the description in Charter Pilot. It's possible that the name "Wanderer" was used for different aircraft.
  • In the circumstances, a Supermarine Scapa seems to fit the bill as it was introduced in 1935 but retired in 1939 with the introduction of the bigger, more powerful Supermarine Stranraer. Scapa had a gross weight of 16,000 lb and an empty weight of 10,000 lb, making the various weight options about right (Chapter 16, carrying ten people with arms upriver if they unload the stores, including a fair amount of fuel.)