Biggles Wiki

Thierry was a small format comic strip published by French publishing house Aredit featuring a character named "Thierry" - an adventurer somewhat in the mould of Tin Tin. From 1966 to 1967, two titles of this quarterly series also included Biggles comic strips. These were in the same vein as those in the Biggles Artima/Aredit comic series. They were probably also drawn by Roger Melliès and were adaptations of stories found in Biggles - Charter Pilot.

Biggles stories in Thierry[]

Issue Title Date Remarks
No. 23 Le terrible troglodyte Feb 1966 Adaptation of The Adventure of the Abominable Caveman
No. 28 Le morte silencieuse May 1967 Adaptation of The Adventure of the Silent Death

See Also[]

Comics based on the works of W. E. Johns also appear in other series published by Artima/Aredit:
