Biggles Wiki

Temeraire (or Téméraire) was a small format comic strip published by French publishing house Artima/Aredit featuring various war stories. In 1967, four issues carried Biggles short stories in comic form. These were in the same vein as those in the Biggles Artima/Aredit comic series. They were probably also drawn by Roger Melliès.

Biggles stories in Temeraire[]

Issue Title Date Remarks Cover
104 Le mammouth pétrifié May 1967 Adaptation of The Adventure of the Musty Mammoth Temeraire104
106 Biggles - La visite du sultan July 1967 Adaptation of The Case of the Visiting Sultan
108 La disparition du pilote Sept 1967 Adaptation of The Case of the Murdered Apprentice.
109 Biggles - Le pilote clandestin Oct 1967 Adaptation of The Case of the Unregistered Operator

See Also[]

See Also[]

Comics based on the works of W. E. Johns also appear in other series published by Artima/Aredit:
