Story query
I'm hoping that some Biggles fan can help me. I'm trying to identify a World War 1 Biggles story that I remember reading as a child. I'm sure it was in Biggles of 266 but I can't remember the title and I've looked at copies in the Internet Library and can't find it. It was a favourite Biggles story of mine which I read lots of times and I can remember the plot quite well.
The story involved setting a trap for a new circus of Albatrosses that had moved in. The plan is that 266 squadron will act as bait and Wilkes' SE5 squadron will close the trap. At the height of the battle, however, about ten Fokker Triplanes from the Richtofen circus arrive, tipping the balance in the German's favour. But then a squadron of Bristol Fighters arrives, …