Biggles Wiki

From 1990 onwards, the Belgian publisher Lefrancq Emissions published a series of Biggles graphic novels in French written and drawn by Francis Bergèse. Later titles were written by Michel Oleffe with artwork by Éric Loutte, Daniel Chauvin or Frank Leclercq. Miklo later took over the series, adding new titles in the same style and republishing the old ones. The titles appeared in French. Translations appeared in Dutch, German and English (Redfox - some titles only). Euro Books, based in India, also reprinted a series of 14 translations in English.

Some of the earlier titles were loosely based on the Johns novels while later ones were original and non-canonical. Interspersed among the Biggles graphic novels were non-fiction graphic books under the heading of "Biggles Raconte". Biggles does not, however, appear in the content of these books except as a "narrator" of the historical accounts. Since Lefrancq and Miklo kept these in the same numbered sequence as their graphic novels, it is best to treat them together.

From 2003, a third publisher, Lombard, took over the series with three of their own titles as well as reprints of the Lefrancq/Miklo ones, though not in the same numbered sequence.

See also the Biggles Héritage (Comics series) by Miklo.

Biggles Graphics Novels[]

No. Title Publishers/Year Story/Art In translation
1 Le cygne jaune Lefrancq, 1990
Miklo, 1998
Lombard, 2003
Francis Bergèse
Biggles Flying Detective (Redfox)
2 Les pirates du Pôle Sud Lefrancq, 1991

Lombard, 2003

Francis Bergèse
3 Le Bal des Spitfire Lefrancq, 1992

Miklo, 1998
Lombard, 2003

Francis Bergèse
5 Le vol du Wallenstein Lefrancq, 1994

Miklo, 1998
Lombard, 2003

Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
6 Squadron Biggles Lefrancq, 1994

Miklo, 1998
Lombard, 2004

Francis Bergèse
7 Le dernier Zeppelin Lefrancq, 1995

Miklo, 1999
Lombard, 2003

Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
9 La 13e dent du diable Miklo, 1997

Lombard, 2003

Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
11 L’Épée de Wotan Miklo, 1998

Lombard, 2004

Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
13 Neiges mortelles Miklo, 1999

Lombard, 2003

Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
15 L'Oasis perdue 1 Miklo, 2000 Michel Oleffe (story)
Frank Leclercq (art)
18? L'Oasis perdue 2 Miklo, 2001 Michel Oleffe (story)
Frank Leclercq (art)
Feu sur la Provence 1 Lombard, 2003 Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
Feu sur la Provence 2 Lombard, 2004 Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte (art)
Chappal Wadi Lombard, 2006 Michel Oleffe (story)
Éric Loutte(art)

External Links and Sources[]
